Two stories, 14 years apart, converge in a suburb of New York. Manuel Esquema, an international financier, whose face is badly scarred, is flying from Miami to help a New York politician negotiate a plea bargain with the Justice Department. Years before, this financier was a fresh-faced cabaña boy at a Miami Beach resort who fell in love with a young woman on holiday with her husband. The husband is now the pol, and he thinks he dispatched the cabaña boy long ago. What are Esquema's plans: revenTwo stories, 14 years apart, converge in a suburb of New York. Manuel Esquema, an international financier, whose face is badly scarred, is flying from Miami to help a New York politician negotiate a plea bargain with the Justice Department. Years before, this financier was a fresh-faced cabaña boy at a Miami Beach resort who fell in love with a young woman on holiday with her husband. The husband is now the pol, and he thinks he dispatched the cabaña boy long ago. What are Esquema's plans: revenge, mercy, or a complicated plan to seek again the woman's love? 导演保罗舒瑞德在本片中细腻刻画出一段曲折而纠缠多年的三角恋情,由眼神深邃的忧郁小生约瑟夫范恩斯饰演亚伦 一位利用暑假于迈阿密滨海的高级旅馆当服务生的大学生,但他却料想不到这次打工的经验竟会永远改变他的一生;亚伦在此地邂逅了美丽的艾拉(葛丽倩摩儿),不久后便和她陷入热恋,两人之间唯一的阻碍是她担任公职的老公马克(雷李奥塔)... 因难忍与心爱的人分离之苦,亚伦不智地向马克坦认自己对艾拉的爱意,妒火中烧的马克无法忍受绿云罩顶的耻辱因而决定对亚伦痛下杀手,并误以为已成功地除掉情敌;14年后,换了新的身分与脸孔的亚伦发现自己对艾拉仍难以忘怀,故决心展开策划已久的复仇计划,向马克讨回个公道,并夺回今生唯一的挚爱…深爱的你目前该影片已更新HD高清,觉得《深爱的你》不错的话也可以分享给朋友一起观看。 豆瓣追剧影视大全,天天影院,lol电影天堂,电影天堂在线观看,天天影视网提供1999美国爱情片《深爱的你》完整版免费在线观看,并且还可以支持手机观看深爱的你HD云播高清在线观看,无需下载播放器,随时随地想播就播。展开
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