The film begins on the eve of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. When three 18-year-old students at a prestigious University - Mika (Alexander Vedmensky), Kit (Ilya Glinnikov), and Swift (Alexander Golovin) - dig up dirt on their crazy college principal, the hunt for the would-be blackmailers begins. Fleeing from their pursuers, the three amigos find themselves on the women's snowboarding team bus. They have no choice but to put on the team's brightly colored jackets and blend in with the crowd of snowThe film begins on the eve of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. When three 18-year-old students at a prestigious University - Mika (Alexander Vedmensky), Kit (Ilya Glinnikov), and Swift (Alexander Golovin) - dig up dirt on their crazy college principal, the hunt for the would-be blackmailers begins. Fleeing from their pursuers, the three amigos find themselves on the women's snowboarding team bus. They have no choice but to put on the team's brightly colored jackets and blend in with the crowd of snowboarding girls. But the clothes alone won't cut it: as diehard practitioners of extreme sports, they are not about to miss their chance to show off their snowboarding skills. The National Women's Snowboarding Team's trainer Svetlana Nikolayevna (Ekaterina Vilkova) spots the new talent and invites the "girls" to join the team for the trials in Sochi. The friends jump at the chance of free rides on Olympic-grade tracks and once and for all evading the college principal's goons. Meanwhile, the pursuers (Mikhail Trukhin, Dmitry Mukhamadeev) get their mitts on the trio's nerdy friend Groshik (Alexei Zolotovitsky), and take him hostage to Sochi in search of the fugitives. Their journey is filled with unexpected twists and turns, as well as scholarly monologs delivered by Groshik, who is bent on drawing out the trip as much as possible. Meanwhile, the trio's adventures turn into a high-speed romantic journey brimming with excitement and mortal danger.柳暗花明(俄语)目前该影片已更新HD,觉得《柳暗花明(俄语)》不错的话也可以分享给朋友一起观看。 豆瓣追剧影视大全,天天影院,lol电影天堂,电影天堂在线观看,天天影视网提供2014俄罗斯喜剧片《柳暗花明(俄语)》完整版免费在线观看,并且还可以支持手机观看柳暗花明(俄语)HD云播高清在线观看,无需下载播放器,随时随地想播就播。展开
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