Set in modern day Buenos Aires, the film centers around a relationship between two emotionally crippled roommates. Adrian LeDuc(Colin Firth) is a lonely sociopath who is forced to rent his insane mothers room due to poor ticket sales at his revival movie theater. Jack Carney (Hart Bochner), the new roommate, appears normal enough at first but it soon becomes apparent that he is hiding something. As their friendship develops, Adrian suppresses his suspicions that Jack may be the government mercenSet in modern day Buenos Aires, the film centers around a relationship between two emotionally crippled roommates. Adrian LeDuc(Colin Firth) is a lonely sociopath who is forced to rent his insane mothers room due to poor ticket sales at his revival movie theater. Jack Carney (Hart Bochner), the new roommate, appears normal enough at first but it soon becomes apparent that he is hiding something. As their friendship develops, Adrian suppresses his suspicions that Jack may be the government mercenary turned serial killer who has been terrorizing the city. The other eccentric residents of the building begin to worry as Adrian shows increasing signs that his mothers insanity may be hereditary. The shocking climax of this twisted tale of deceit, perversion and murder reveals the darker side of the human psyche.Summary written by Kevin Jundt from IMDB零号公寓目前该影片已更新高清英语中文字幕,觉得《零号公寓》不错的话也可以分享给朋友一起观看。 豆瓣追剧影视大全,天天影院,lol电影天堂,电影天堂在线观看,天天影视网提供1988英国恐怖片《零号公寓》完整版免费在线观看,并且还可以支持手机观看零号公寓HD云播高清在线观看,无需下载播放器,随时随地想播就播。展开
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