Julia Day (Julia Ormond) wakes up on her 60th birthday alone.The first she’s spent by herself in the 35 years she was married to Ted (Alex Jennings), before he left her. Determined to have a good day, Julia leaves her Devon home and heads to London to celebrate with her children - but one by one they let her down.Leo (Archie Renaux), her youngest, simply because he forgets. Della (Jemima Rooper), her only daughter, marooned abroad and guilt-stricken, and her firstborn Patrick (Sebastian Armesto)Julia Day (Julia Ormond) wakes up on her 60th birthday alone.The first she’s spent by herself in the 35 years she was married to Ted (Alex Jennings), before he left her. Determined to have a good day, Julia leaves her Devon home and heads to London to celebrate with her children - but one by one they let her down.Leo (Archie Renaux), her youngest, simply because he forgets. Della (Jemima Rooper), her only daughter, marooned abroad and guilt-stricken, and her firstborn Patrick (Sebastian Armesto) who is struggling to maintain a hectic work and home life - all whilst fighting an attraction to a colleague.Feeling adrift, Julia’s at a low ebb when she happens upon a young man in a museum, Benjamin (Ben Barnes). The pair get talking and before she’s quite sure what’s happening they’re beginning a whirlwind romance. All that’s left to do - introduce him to her children.But they are suspicious of this younger man’s motives, and soon start plotting how to remove him.Pictured: Julia Day (Julia Ormond), Benjamin (Ben Barnes)淘金男/金真情迷第一季目前该影片已更新06,觉得《淘金男/金真情迷第一季》不错的话也可以分享给朋友一起观看。 豆瓣追剧影视大全,天天影院,lol电影天堂,电影天堂在线观看,天天影视网提供2019英国欧美剧《淘金男/金真情迷第一季》全集免费在线观看,并且还可以支持手机观看淘金男/金真情迷第一季HD云播高清全集在线观看,无需下载播放器,随时随地想播就播。展开
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