Sam (Matthew Broderick) is the reasonable man in a crazy urban world, the man of thoughtfulness and refined taste in a landscape of Leroy Neiman paintings and beer commercials. The guy would sooner cook for an hour over a hot stove than say `supersize it." By day he"s a store clerk in an upscale gourmet eatery, and these scenes raise a smile, especially for anyone who"s visited the actual chain in New York City -- the portrayal isn"t far off from the reality. Our man is besieged by hoards Sam (Matthew Broderick) is the reasonable man in a crazy urban world, the man of thoughtfulness and refined taste in a landscape of Leroy Neiman paintings and beer commercials. The guy would sooner cook for an hour over a hot stove than say `supersize it." By day he"s a store clerk in an upscale gourmet eatery, and these scenes raise a smile, especially for anyone who"s visited the actual chain in New York City -- the portrayal isn"t far off from the reality. Our man is besieged by hoards of customers who want their imported French cheese cut to impossibly exact standards. His efforts to remain outwardly polite (while you know he"d like to take the cleaver to the relentless clientele) are pretty funny, and will warm the hearts of clerks everywhere. In general, Broderick is in good form and provides the movie with most of whatever lightness it possesses. 纽约夜月情目前该影片已更新超清,觉得《纽约夜月情》不错的话也可以分享给朋友一起观看。 豆瓣追剧影视大全,天天影院,lol电影天堂,电影天堂在线观看,天天影视网提供1996欧美喜剧片《纽约夜月情》完整版免费在线观看,并且还可以支持手机观看纽约夜月情HD云播高清在线观看,无需下载播放器,随时随地想播就播。展开
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