David Wenham's feature film directorial debut is a touching love letter to Sydney. This World Premiere is an improvised experiment about the random meeting of two strangers.Conceived, workshopped and shot in just ten days, Ellipsis begins with an accidental meeting between Viv (Emily Barclay; Prime Mover, 2009) and Jasper (Benedict Samuel) on the streets of Sydney. The two literally bump into each other, leading to conversation, a coffee and a nightlong adventure. They travel through the citDavid Wenham's feature film directorial debut is a touching love letter to Sydney. This World Premiere is an improvised experiment about the random meeting of two strangers.Conceived, workshopped and shot in just ten days, Ellipsis begins with an accidental meeting between Viv (Emily Barclay; Prime Mover, 2009) and Jasper (Benedict Samuel) on the streets of Sydney. The two literally bump into each other, leading to conversation, a coffee and a nightlong adventure. They travel through the city from Bondi to Kings Cross, from a sex shop to bars and parks revealing more to each other and growing closer. Reminiscent of Richard Linklater's Before Sunrise, Ellipsis is refreshing and a great deal of fun, taking full advantage of its improvisational, loose nature. It's an affecting and longing love letter to Sydney at its most seductive: at night《豆瓣追剧-在线观看》遇见2017目前该影片已更新超清,觉得《遇见2017》不错的话也可以分享给朋友一起观看。 豆瓣追剧影视大全,天天影院,lol电影天堂,电影天堂在线观看,天天影视网提供2017澳大利亚爱情片《遇见2017》完整版免费在线观看,并且还可以支持手机观看遇见2017HD云播高清在线观看,无需下载播放器,随时随地想播就播。展开
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